Phone: 210-356-1800


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Arts in Bible and Theology Minor in Youth Ministry Southeastern Bible College, 2010 Teacher Certifications: 4-8 Core Subjects 4-8 Mathematics 6-12 Technology Education

Mr. Jacob Brune

I am excited to be here at Reagan High School. 2023-2024 will be my 3rd year at Reagan and will be my 7th year teaching. I am excited to be teaching Architecture, Engineering, and Arts and A/V. 

I grew up in a small town just north of Birmingham, Alabama. I attended Auburn University for a few years until I decided to get a degree in Ministry. I graduated in 2010 with a degree in Bible and Theology at Southeastern Bible College, where I was also on the collegiate basketball team and golf team. After about 10 years of ministry, I decided I wanted to get into teaching and I have not looked back since. 

  • 1st Period - Principles of Arts, A/V, and Communication

    2nd Period - Principles of Applied Engineering

    3rd Period - Principles of Applied Engineering

    4th Period - Principles of Architecture

    5th Period - Lunch

    6th Period - Lunch Duty

    7th Period - Principles of Architecture

    8th Period - Conference/Planning

    Tutoring/Extra Time: Tuesday & Thursday 8:15-8:40