

Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Linguistics The University of Florida English and Language Arts 8-12 English as a Second Language Supplemental

Mrs. Jennifer Vamper

Hey Guys! Welcome to ESOL II, Academic Literacy, and NELD! I am so excited to start this school year. It is has been a long couple of years, but I know you are ready to learn English and find success. I want to send a special welcome to those of you who also had me last school year. Welcome back, guys! Please know that I missed you a great deal over the summer and I am thrilled to have you again. If you're not in my class anymore and you are just checking out my webpage, then please come by the classroom and visit!! 

There are going to be a lot of changes this year. These changes were made with the intention of keeping us all safe. Don't be worried that some things are different, because all the important things have stayed the same:

          - We will read, write, and talk every day.

          - We are are a family.

          - I am here for you.

          - I want to help you in any way I can with my class and with your other classes as well.

Remember to please let me or Mr. Casares know if you are struggling or if you feel like you need extra help. And I am so glad we are all here together at MAC.

For those of you who may not know, I graduated from The University of Florida in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Linguistics and a focus on Second Language Acquisition. I have spent the past 12 years teaching all levels of high school English and both levels of ESOL and Academic Literacy. I love teaching English. I understand that English is the language of access in this country, and it is my mission to help my students develop their English prociency, while honoring their home language and native culture, in order to have their best chance at success. I am thrilled to be a part of the rich tradition that is Macarthur High School. GO BRAHMAS!!

Classroom Announcements


    1st Period:  Academic Lit I

    2nd Period:  EL Support

    (Flex on Thursdays)

    3rd Period:  ESOL II

    4th Period:  Lunch

    5th Period:  Conference

    6th Period:  Academic Lit II

    7th Period:  EL Support

    8th Period:  NELD


    Click here to see the MacArthur Bell Schedule